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"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Search the web through time lines. How cool is that!
Go to: historyworld.net/timesearch
Beautiful web based timeline software. Go to: tiki-toki.com

Ever want to watch a video at exactly the same time as someone else across the web?

Well you can do it here. Simply create a session and then paste your video link in and off you go. You're all watching the same video at the same time! Pretty cool. Go to watch2gether.com

JellyCam: Free Stop MotionMaker

Make stop-motion films with a web-cam or a bunch of photos. Go here: jellycam.co.uk

Alternative to Facebook for Social Networking in School Environment

"Diipo connects you the teacher with your students by making it easy to communicate with your class. Diipo also connects you with other educators and your class with other classes. Featuring an easy-to-use and familiar user-interface similar to Facebook and Twitter, Diipo helps students stay connected and engaged."

Go to diipo.com

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Movie Maker for Dummies

"If you can type, you can make movies" is their motto. Suggested by Matt Ridenour whose high school "students used it to make animated movies about American imperialism." Go to xtranormal.com

Why pay for Microsoft Office when you can install and use LibreOffice for free?

And it's just as good. Go to libreoffice.org

Why do I love this site?

Because I just do!

"Designed to work as a free homeschool and organized according to traditional curriculum standards, CosmoLearning provides video lectures, courses, documentaries, books, quizzes, lecture notes and much more!" Check it out at cosmolearning.com

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Appitic - 1000s of Apps for Education

A collection of thousands of apps for educaors. Go to appitic.com

Skype in the Classroom!

Awesome resource from Skype containing thousands of projects submitted by thousands of teachers on uses of Skype in the classroom. You wanted it. Now you've got it. Just go to education.skype.com

Did you know Youtube had a Teachers section?

A wonderful site designed to help teachers use educational videos in the classroom. See video below:

Webiste URL -www.youtube.com/teachers

Gnowledge: One of the best collaborative quiz/test-creation sites around

Check it out at www.gnowledge.com

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

BBC Languages - a language resource not to be neglected

BBC Languages has courses for beginners on up in many different languages. There is even a neat section called "Quick Fix: Essential phrases in 40 languages" that was a fun basic resource. They even claim you can "Learn all the basics and get a certificate with the help of weekly e-mail tips." Available in French, Spanish, German and Italian. Check out BBC Languages here: bbc.co.uk/languages

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Top iPad Apps for Education

This site ranks the most popular iPad apps educators are using. Click here for the top 200 apps.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Want to know how people are using apps in the classroom? Here are lessons that involve apps.

They are models for successful instructional practices with mobile devices
It’s the application of apps for learning. Find out more at www.apptivities.org