What is the purpose of this blog?

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Apple Tips Galore

Want a bunch of easy to understand tips for your Mac? Just go to Apple Pro Tips...

Monday, November 29, 2010

31 million lessons delivered on video!

The Khan Academy has millions of video lesson resources in Math, Science, the Humanities and Test Taking. Select a subject and find thousands of video lessons ready for you!

Just visit khanacademy.org

Monday, November 22, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Excellent Resource for Teachers - Curriki

Curriki is a "community of educators, learners and committed education experts who are working together to create quality materials that will benefit teachers and students around the world. It is an online environment created to support the development and free distribution of world-class educational materials to anyone who needs them. Merry Mattson suggested this site. Go to CURRIKI.ORG

Friday, November 5, 2010

Now I know why our attention spans seem shorter and shorter...

At Gizmodo today I stumbled upon a web page today entitled "The 50 Awesomest Viral Videos Under 30 Seconds Long." They followed it up with "Who has time to watch a whole viral video anymore? Between Tweeting, drinking Mountain Dew, and doing backflips, our attention spans are shorter than ever." And we wonder why we can't keep anyone's attention these days? Alright, I know you want the web page, but you'll feel guilty you did. How far we've fallen.
(disclaimer, watch at your own risk)
50 Awesomest Videos Click Here

This guy got people talking!

Brain-based learning and differentiated instruction today with Richard M. Cash. Fascinated by the "clash" of ideas that ensued when the "reality" of technology meets public resistance. Is resistance futile? Is it "too late for the pebbles to vote if the avalanche has started"?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Are Virtual Schools the Future?

Will schools as we know them today disappear?

An awesome civics site, who knew?!

iCivics (formerly Our Courts) is a web-based education project designed to teach students civics and inspire them to be active participants in our democracy. iCivics is the vision of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who is concerned that students are not getting the information and tools they need for civic participation, and that civics teachers need better materials and support.

Click here to go to iCivics...

The only online collaboration site you'll need